About Us
Shijay Projects India Private Limited expertise brings in the value proposition for prospective clients by providing the optimum solutions for their requirements.
We endeavor to grow continuously to meet the needs of our customers by steadily expanding our abilities to offer end-to-end solutions. We ensure that our services provide the finest results to complete the contentment of our customers. Our service is customer-focused and backed by the technically qualified and experienced staff. We possess wide experience in deployment, maintenance, operation and data collection using hi-tech geophysical equipment. We strive to understand customer requirements and deliver the best solution to customer satisfaction.
Read MoreOur Services
Geophysical Services
Shijay Projects specializes in providing comprehensive Geophysical Surveys for Mining, Civil, Infrastructure, Telecom, and EPC companies. Our team excels in Data Acquisition, Data Processing, and other associated services to ensure precise and dependable results for our esteemed clients. We offer a wide range of services including Ground Penetrating Radar Survey, Subsurface Utility Engineering (SUE) Survey, Seismic Refraction Tomography, Electrical Resistivity Tomography, Magnetic Survey, Gravity Survey, and Crosshole / Uphole / Downhole / MASW surveys with futuristic technologies. Our dedicated team of geologists and geophysicists are committed to continuous learning and growth in order to deliver impactful and reliable outcomes.
Data is not always available in its most suitable format and may require conversion into a more suitable or useable format for GIS use. This may include capture from paper maps into an accurate GIS database, or conversion from other GIS formats such as AutoCAD. Using our expert team of GIS consultants and extensive proven experience, we are able to offer a full range of data capture and conversion services at internationally competitive prices.
Application Area
01. Oil & Gas Exploration
Shijay Projects India Private Limited is a leading service provider in the geospatial space and is a trusted player when it comes to serving the energy companies across the world.
The Oil and Gas Companies have crucial geospatial needs for their operation say it laying down pipelines or pinning on the right location to drill a well, all these decisions need to be made after proper survey and research so that the decisions are data-driven & precise. We use upgrades and ever-evolving products to stimulate the correct data which helps in the decision-making process of the companies.
02. Mineral/ Water Exploration
The mineral and water reserves requires accurate resource and reserve statements for accurate investment and mine planning.
To ease this palnning for them, Shijay Projects India Private Limited examines the chosen area by constructing and analyzing a 3D digital deposit the model for geological appraisals. This process includes preparation of different physiological, geographical layers, extensive surveying, followed by assigning weights, putting in the model and then preparing mineral potential zones.
Shijay Projects India Private Limited has an expertise that have catered to the design and assessment of Infrastructure worldwide.
We have provided our services to various industry infractures such as Petro-chemical refineries, Power stations and intakes, Sewer, desal plant outfalls, Ports and harbours, Seawalls, pipelines & bridges, Dredging & reclamation.
Our Products

Ground Penetrating Radar

Resistivity / IP Unit


Automatic Weather Station


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